Chp 2: The Way of the Function

The Pain!

I hope you found the first problem set painful. At least a little. I wanted you to want a better a way. A way to economize your code. A way to capture the similarity of multiple blocks of code in a single block.

In this chapter, you'll get what you want. At the end, we'll return to the first problem set and do it a better way.

A Function is Born

Functions are the better way. Below is our first Python function! How cute it is!

def double_me(a_num):

    double = a_num * 2

    return double

Let's break it down.

Run It, Call It

Type the double_me function into your editor. Exactly as you see it. Your friends tolerate your grammatical improprieties. Python will not.

Now run it. You should find yourself with the console prompt >>>. The console will seem unchanged, but it is not. It now knows your function. Try this at the prompt:

>>> double_me(3)

The console should respond 6. What happened here? You called double_me with the input 3.  What happened when you did that? First, the function's one parameter - a_num - was assigned the value 3. That's what always happens to inputs; they become the values of parameters. Next the body of the function was executed. The first line of the body  is double = a_num * 2. But as we said, the value of a_num is 3; so double  get the values 6. On the second (and last) line of the body, we return the value of double. Sot this call to double_me returns 6. Summary: the return value of double_me when called with the argument 3 is 6.

The values sent to a function when it's called,  the inputs we called them, are arguments. So we called double_me with the argument 6, and the value of that call (that is, the value returned) is 6.

Let me emphasize a point. We know that the Python console prints the value of an expression. So the value of double_me(3) is 6, which as we know was the value returned. The value of a function call is the value it returns.

Call It Again. And Again and Again.

Of course we can call the function as often as we like.

>>> double_me(6)


>>> double_me(0)


>>> double_me(-2)


Perhaps then you begin to understand why functions are so useful. We don't have to duplicate code to get different values. Instead we can just call the same function again with different inputs. I'll say more about this at the end.

Call and Print

We may also call the function from within a  program that contains the function. (I've included line numbers. Don't type them in; they're not part of the code. Likely your IDE shows line numbers automatically.)

1. def double_me(a_num):

2.    double = a_num * 2

3.    return double


5. doubled_num = double_me(3)

6. print(doubled_num)

A few notes:

Functions, Function Calls and Function Values

We have distinguished function from function call from function value. This perhaps all seems a little subtle. Perhaps unnecessary. It is not. These distinctions are crucial to TF! Let me make sure all this is clear.

Flow of Control

The flow of control of a program is the order in which the statements within it are executed. In the simple programs you wrote in the last chapter,  flow of control proceeded from top to bottom. But in the previous section flow of control  was not so simple. Look again at the program of the previous section. Flow of control there is 1-5-2-3-6. 

I should walk you through this.  On line 1, Python notes that  a function named double_me exists but does not yet execute that function. Flow of control thus skips 2 and 3 for now and goes to 5. On line 5 the function double_me is called. Flow of control is now passed to the body of the function and lines 2 and 3 are executed. Once the function body has executed, flow of control ends passes to line 6, the line under the function call; and with this the program is complete.

A Note about Return

In our example above, the expression after return was a variable. This is not necessary. We could if we wish place an expression whose value must be computed. Like this:

def square_me(a_num):

    return a_num ** 2

Python will evaluate the expression after return - in this case a_num ** 2 - and then will return the value that results. Indeed this is precisely what it does when  after return we find only a variable. The variable is evaluated and the value that results is returned. (You no doubt recall that the value of a variable is the object that it names.)

Multiple Parameters

So far we've seen only functions of a single parameter. Let's have an example of a multi-parameter function.

def square_and_add(x, y):

    return x**2 + y**2

If we call this function, we must pass it two values.

>>> square_and_add(3, 4)


As you no doubt realized, order matters here. The 3 was bound to the x and the 4 to the y, since the x and the 3 come first and the y and the 4 come second.

Now of course in the function above, we'd have gotten the same output if the 3 had bound to the y and the 4 to the x. So let's have a non-symmetrical example to prove definitively that inputs are assigned to parameters based on position of input and parameter.

def square_and_divide(x, y):

    return x**2 / y**2

Let's use 3 and 4 again:

>>> square_and_divide(3, 4)


>>> square_and_divide(4, 3)


The first function call computed the value of 3**2 / 4**2, the second the value of 4**2 / 3**2.


Functions are like Lego. We can stick them together and so make functions of greater complexity.

One way to stick functions together is composition. In function composition, the output of one function is made the input of second function. Let's look at an example. We begin with the square root function.

def sq_rt(n):

    return n ** (1/2)

We'll also need a sum of squares function.

def sum_squares(x, y):

    return x**2 + y**2

Now let's use these two blocks to build a distance function.  The function below computes the distance from the point with coordinates (x1, y1) to the point with coordinates (x2, y2).

def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):

    return sq_rt(sum_squares(x2 - x1, y2 - y1))

To call the function, we must send it four values. These give the x- and y-coordinates of two points; (x1, y1) is the first point, (x2, y2) the second.

>>> distance(1, 2, 4, 7)


Here's what happened.

This is the composition of which I spoke above. The output value of sum_squares was made the input value of sq_rt.

Functions That Call Functions

Just to prove a point, let's have an example of a pair of functions one of which calls the other. You'll do this lots. Indeed you often should. When a problem requires a complex solution, often that solution should be spread across multiple functions. What's the advantage of that? If we break the solution into multiple functions, each will be simpler and thus easier to write and to debug.

The example:

def rect(length, width):

    return length * width

def right_rect_prism(base_length, base_width, height):

    base_area = 2 * rect(base_length, base_width)

    lateral_area = 2 * rect(base_length, height) + 2 * rect(base_width, height)

    return base_area + lateral_area

Here we have two functions, rect and right_rect_prism. The first computes the area of rectangle given length and width, and the second computes the surface area of a right rectangular prism given base length, base width and base height.) Most importantly here, the second call the first. Indeed it does so three total times. That's totally legit.


Above, when we taught Python how to compute distance, we wrote a multi-function program.  Let's take a moment to discuss a certain matter that is sure to arise in such a context. I do apologize, but it's a little complex. But better to have this explained to you now than write buggy code and have no idea why it's buggy!

Let's have a name first. I mean to discuss variable scope.

First type these two functions into your code editor and then run.

def circle_area(r):

    PI = 3.14159

    return PI * r**2

def circumference(r):

    return 2 * PI * r

Now let's call them:

>>> circle_area(3)


>>> circumference(3)

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

  File "<stdin>", line 2, in circumference

NameError: name 'PI' is not defined

We have a bug! Indeed we have a crash bug, which from here on I'll often call "exceptions". (That's the most common name.) Moreover, Python did its best to explain just why it crashed. You'll find that Python is really quite good at that; it almost always explain the reasons for a crash, and explains them well. Read your error messages! Here at the start of TF!, you often won't understand everything Python says in its error messages; but in most cases, you'll understand as much as you need to diagnose the error. (In a moment, I'll explain what "Traceback" means.)

 So, what's the reason for the crash? Python told us that in the second line of the function circumference (the line return 2 * PI * r), the name PI is not defined. But that seems plainly wrong! It was defined, wasn't it? There in circle_area! Why doesn't circumference seem to know it?

The answer is that a function creates its own universe of variables; and once a function call is complete, the variables created within it cease to exist.

The word used for this is scope. The scope of a variable is that part of a program that can access and change its value; and so the scope of a variable  created inside a function is that function. In the two functions defined above - circle_area and circumference - PI lies outside the scope of circumference and so circumference cannot access its value. (Indeed by the time we call circumference, PI has ceased to exist. Google "garbage collection".)

Another term used here is local. PI is a local variable, local to circle_area; and as such its value is accessible only inside that function.

We can if we wish define a variable outside the scope of any function. If we do, that variable is global; and as such its value is accessible anywhere in the program. Below PI is a global variable.

PI = 3.14159

def circumference(r):

    return 2 * PI * r

If we now call circumference, it doesn't crash as it did before.

>>> circumference(1)


Here's an inevitable question: what happens if we define a variable both inside and outside a function? Like this:

PI = 3.14159

def circumference(r):

    PI = 3  # the Indiana definition ;-)

    return 2 * PI * r

Well, let's try it out. If we send circumference the value the int 3, we get the int 18 back out. So, the local PI overrides the global PI

Here's a summary of the scope rules:

But Why?

But why? Why should the local definition override the global? Safety is the answer. What is a safe function? One that can effect the code around it only by the value(s) it returns. A function like that can have no unforeseen side effects. If however we let the body of a function alter the value of global variables, it can change the behavior of the code outside in quite unexpected and difficult-to-debug ways.

Watch this:

def sqrt(n):

    return n ** (1/2)

# Imagine lots of code here. Thousands of lines.

def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):

    sum_squares = (x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2

    sqrt = sum_squares ** (1/2)

    return sqrt

If we let functions write to global variables, then a call to distance turns sqrt from a name of a function into a name of a number. Imagine the mischief that that might cause! You might reply of course that the programmer should keep track of her variables and not double-define sqrt. But that's a tall order! If your program consists of thousands of line of code, this becomes difficult to do. Wouldn't it be better not to have to worry about it? Wouldn't it be better to know that your function can't overwrite a global variable?

There should be only one way into a function and only one way out. The way in: values of parameters. The way out: return value. Any other way that a function effects global state (state = values of variables at a particular moment in time) is likely to land the programmer in a world of hurt.


Remember the pain of the first problem set? The same code. Over and over. The only difference was the value of a variable. Surely we can do better. Surely we can economize. But how?

Write a function! (I know. The variable names are long. But they are clear. Very clear.)

def years_to_secs(age_in_yrs):

    secs_in_min = 60

    mins_in_hr = 60

    hrs_in_day = 24

    days_in_yr = 365

    age_in_secs= age_in_yrs * days_in_yr * hrs_in_day * mins_in_hr * secs_in_min

    return age_in_secs

Now we can run the function as many times as we want; and each time we can send any value for age_in_yrs we choose. Like this:







Isn't that great? We can use the function again and again but we don't have to write it out again and again!


The function years_to_secs captured the similarity of a set of similar blocks of code. The one point of difference - the value of age_in_yrs - became a parameter.  This is a key idea in TF! Functionalize the similarities! Parameterize the differences! Memorize that. Word for word. I'll say nothing more important.

The process wherein we replace multiple similar code chunks with calls to a single  function that captures that similarity has a name. It's called abstraction.

A Little Secret

I have a little secret. The arithmetical operators we used to build our functions are themselves functions. I know, I know. They don't look like the functions we've seen. But they are indeed functions. Consider addition. It takes two numbers, adds them and then returns the sum. This three-part structure - take, compute, return -  makes it a function.

The same is obviously true of -, *, /, //, % and **. All take values. All perform a computation. All return a value. Thus all are functions.

So, the function we constructed above - like the double_me function - was built from functions.

Here's another little secret. The print command ... that' a function too! It takes an input - the expression after print contained in parentheses - and it outputs the value of that expression to the screen. It's all functions! Functions, functions, functions! Python gives us functions. We take them and build functions. Perhaps you begin to understand why I call my book "Think Functional!".

More About Bugs

I'll end with a little more about bugs.

Bugs, you will recall, are errors in code; and in the previous chapter, we distinguished two types - "stop bugs" and "go bugs" we called them. Stop bugs halt execution of the program at the place the bug was encountered; that is, they "crash" the program as it executes. Moreover, stop bugs are accompanied by error messages; Python will do its best to explain why it had to halt execution. Go bugs, on the other hand, do not crash the program. A program with only go bugs will run through to the end, but it won't in all cases produce the desired output. (As the jokesters often say, the program doesn't do what you wanted it to do. Instead it does precisely what you told it to. That always makes me giggle.)

In Chapter 1, we said that go bugs are often called logical or semantic bugs.

Now let's distinguish two types of stop bugs: these are the syntax errors and the runtime errors. A syntax error is one that violates Python's grammar rules; you've either used a symbol it doesn't know, or you've arranged symbols it does know in some illegal way. Or both, but syntax errors of the second type are by far the most common.

Below are some examples of syntax errors. Below each is a piece the error message I received and for some a bit of commentary.  For each, I simply typed the function into my text editor and then chose "Run in terminal". (I use Visual Studio Code. At, you type it in and the click the Run button.) I did not call the function!

Syntactic Error Example One:

def spam() # left out the colon

    return 'eggs'

Error message:

File "g:\My Drive\Think Functional!\Programs\unit_tests\", line 1

  def spam() # left out the colon


SyntaxError: expected ':'


Please ignore the File "g:\My Drive\Think Functional!\Programs\unit_tests\". That's just the file location; yours will be different. But everything after matters. line 1 tells you where the error occurred. SyntaxError: expected ':' is Python's attempt to diagnose the error. It's quite correct of course. Finally, the line of carets - ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - point to place where Python was unable to understand what was meant. Since Python expected a colon after the close parenthesis but didn't find it, it doesn't know what the rest of the line after the close parenthesis means.

Syntactic Error Example Two:

def spam():

    retrun 'eggs' # retrun?

Error message:

File "g:\My Drive\Think Functional!\Programs\unit_tests\", line 2

  retrun 'eggs' # retrun?


SyntaxError: invalid syntax


This one isn't as helpful. But you shouldn't really expect more. Line 2 is pure nonsense. It's the name retrun (which to Python will be undefined), then a space, then a string. That means nothing to Python. You'll get invalid syntax when Python can't even begin to guess what you meant.

Syntactic Error Example Three:

def spam():

    eggs = ((1 + 3) / (2 + 4) ** (1 / 3)

    return eggs

Error message:

File "g:\My Drive\Think Functional!\Programs\unit_tests\", line 2

  eggs = ((1 + 3) / (2 + 4) ** (1 / 3)


SyntaxError: '(' was never closed  


No commentary necessary other than to say "no commentary necessary".

Syntactic Error Example Four:

def spam():

    scrambled = 2

     fried = 3

    return scrambled + fried

Error Message:

File "g:\My Drive\Think Functional!\Programs\unit_tests\", line 3

  fried = 3

IndentationError: unexpected indent


There's really not much to say. The number of spaces used to indent the first line in a block of code must be the same as the number of spaces used to indent every line in that block.

Now let's have some examples of run-time errors. We'll have two. Note that in each we don't get the error until we actually call the function.

Run-Time Error Example One:

def spam():

    scrambled = 2

    fried = 3

    return scrambeled + fried

Error Message:

As I said, we don't get the error message after we type run. Instead we have to call the function. I did so in the console and got the error message below.

>>> spam()

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

  File "", line 4, in spam

    return scrambeled + fried

NameError: name 'scrambeled' is not defined. Did you mean: 'scrambled'?


The syntax here is fine; that's why we don't see the error until we call the function. The problem here is logical. A name hasn't been given a value. Please do be careful. Every occurrence of a variable after the first has to be spelled exactly as the first. (I would be remiss here if I didn't point just how good the error message is. The "Did you mean" part is fantastic. Thanks, Python!)

Run-Time Error Example Two:

def spam():

    scrambled = 2

    fried = 0

    return scrambled / fried

Error Message:

>>> spam()

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

File "", line 4, in spam

  return scrambled / fried

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero


Once again, we had to call the function to get the error; and that function call had us divide by 0. Can't do it in math. Can't do it in Python.