Chp 3: Iteration

What Is It?

What if we wanted to execute a block of code again? What if we wanted to execute it (say) 12 times? What if we wanted the user to specify the number of times to execute?

Of course this could be immensely useful. Want to draw a 12-sided regular polygon? The obvious strategy: draw segment and turn, draw segment and turn ... twelve times total. How to do this? Well, the most inelegant way is to write the code for a segment and a turn and then copy/paste 11 times. Ugly! The better way (if only it were possible) would be to execute the segment/turn code 12 times.

Well, Python's gotcha covered! It provides us with a way to repeat execution of a block and to specify at the start just how many times to repeat. This is called iteration. (More precisely, it's called definite iteration. In definite iteration we repeat execution a set number of times. In indefinite iteration, the number of repetition is not set at the start. We'll encounter indefinite iteration in the next chapter.)


Before I reveal just how Python lets us iterate, I must introduce a fourth data type, the list type. In Python, iteration and lists are like pb and j. They go great together!

We've seen three data types - float, int and str. Now we add a fourth, the list type. Like str, list is a sequence type. A str is a sequence of characters. Of what is list a sequence? Anything. Anything at all - float, int, str or list.  We can mix too.  Lists are versatile! 

How do we create a list? With square brackets. This is best illustrated in the console. Here for your inspection are four lists. (Recall that when Python cannot simplify an expression, it simply repeats it back.) 

 >>> [1, 2, 3]

[1, 2, 3]

>>> ['a', 'b', 'c']

['a', 'b', 'c']

>>> [1, 'a', 2, 'b']

[1, 'a', 2, 'b']

>>> [1, 'a', [2, 3], ['b', 'c']]

[1, 'a', [2, 3], ['b', 'c']]

The first list is a list of ints. The second is a list of strs. The third is a mix of ints and strs. The fourth shows just how versatile lists are; here we have a list that contains an int, a str, a list of ints and a list of strs.

Need to say, we can assign a list to a variable. An object of any type can to assigned to a variable.

>>> mixed_list = [1, 'a', [2, 3], ['b', 'c']]

>>> mixed_list

[1, 'a', [2, 3], ['b', 'c']]

Definite Iteration

Now on to iteration. We begin with an example. 

for item in [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]:

    print(item, item ** 2)

If we run it, we'll get this:

2 4

3 9

5 25

7 49

11 121

Apparently the print function was called five times. How does that work? Let's break it down.


The block of intended code under the for - the loop body - is executed again and again. It loops! This is such a good description that I'll often say "for loop" instead of "definite iteration".

Like function calls, for loops redirect flow of control. Let's number lines and then trace flow of control.

1. for n in [1, 2, 3, 4]:

2.    s = n ** 2

3.    print("the square of", n, "is", s)


the square of 1 is 1

the square of 2 is 4

the square of 3 is 9

the square of 4 is 16

Flow of control goes 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 3. Thus he body of the for loop (lines 2 and 3) execute a total of 4 times. Loopy!

Strings Work Too

Above we iterated over a list. But we can iterate over any sequence type. Like str.


for char in "Hello, World!":
















You understand I'm sure.  The loop variable in this case in char (short for "character".) The first time through the loop, the value  of char was 'H'. The next time it was 'e'. We continue on until the value of char is the final character in the string - the '!' - and then we are done. So don't be surprised if when we encounter some new sequence data type, we'll be able to iterate with for through the elements of sequences of that type. That's just what for is built to do.

Now, in this chapter I won't actually often ask you to iterate through any non-lists. We'll do lots of that in Chapter 5. But I did want you to know that it's possible.

The Range Function

Lists of ints are immensely useful.  Definite iteration often uses them. Python provides us with a way to create int lists easily. The tool is the range function. Here's the syntax:

range(start, stop, step)

start, stop and step are integers. The list created begins at start. The difference between successive elements is step. The final element is not stop. Instead the final element of the list created is that integer such that the next after it would equal to exceed stop. Let's have examples. (You'll no doubt notice the use of the list function below. What's up with that? It converts a range-type object into a list-type object. But didn't I say that ranges were lists? Yes, I did; and I'll continue to say it. Strictly it isn't true, but it's near to the truth. Strictly ranges and lists are different types; but in the context in which we'll use ranges - definite iteration - they behave precisely as do lists.)

>>> list(range(1, 11, 1))

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] # begin at 1, step up by 1, continue until 10

>>> list(range(0, 30, 5))

[0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25] # begin at 0, step up by 5, end at 25

>>> list(range(0, 10, 3))

[0, 3, 6, 9] # begin at 0, step up by 3, end at 9

>>> list(range(0, -10, -1))

[0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9] # begin at 0, step by -1, end at -9

Let me emphasize the point made about the stop value. We never reach or exceed it. Instead we go until the next step would give us the stop value or go past it. The list generated by range never contains the stop value or any value beyond it!

Above we have examples where we sent the range function three integers. But we can also send it either two or just one. If we send three, then as we said the first is start, the second stop and the third step.  If we send only two, the first is start, the second is stop and step takes a default value of 1.

>>> list(range(1, 10))

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

>>> list(range(9, 19))

[9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]

The first is equivalent to list(range(1, 10, 1)); the second is equivalent to list(range(9, 19, 1)).

If we send one value to range, that value is stop; start defaults to 0 and step defaults to 1.

>>> list(range(10))

[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

This is equivalent to list(range(0, 10, 1)).

Sum of First n Integers

Now let's put what we've learned to work on some real problems. Here's our first task: for a given positive integer n, find the sum of the first n positive integers. If for instance n is 4, find 1 + 2 + 3 + 4.

This is a job for iteration! Why? We do the same operation repeatedly! Our sum begins with 1. We add to that 2 to get 3. We add 3 to that to get 6. Finally we add 4 to that to get 10. See the pattern?  Get the next integer and add that into the sum already computed. Iteration is the tool when we have a process that occurs repeatedly.

Here's how we code that up. (We're still function writers, so a function we will write.)

def sum_ints(n):

    # return the sum of the first n integers

    cur_sum = 0

    for next_int in range(1, n + 1):

        cur_sum = cur_sum + next_int

    return cur_sum

A few function calls:

>>> sum_ints(0)


>>> sum_ints(1)


>>> sum_ints(4):


That's right! sum_ints(4), for example, should be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4, which indeed is 10.

Let us analyze the code:

Initialize and Update

The pattern we saw above - initialize a variable before a loop begins and then update the value of that variable while in the loop - is common. Very common. Very common indeed. So very common indeed. (You get the point. It's common.) Let's give another example.

When mathematicians speak of an iterative process, they mean one in which a value is passed to a function and then the output of the function is made the input of a second call to the function; and (probably) the output of the second call is made the input of a third. And so on.  Perhaps to infinity.  Consider the example of compound interest. Say we deposit $1000 into an account that returns 5% compounded yearly. Thus once per year (typically at year's end), the amount in the account will be increased by 5%. So at the end of year one, the amount will be 1000 + 1000 * 0.05 = 1050. At then end of year two, the amount will be 1050 + 1050 * 0.05 = 1102.5. And so on. Notice that in year two, we add the interest not to the original amount deposited (which was $1000) but to the current amount in the account (which is $1050). (If you never knew what was meant by "compound interest", this is it. Each new year, you earn interest not just on the initial amount deposited but also on any interest that's been earned previously.) So we have an initial value for amount; and then we begin to iteratively increase that value. (We iterate once for each year.) Each time we increase, we take the current value of amount and increase it by 5%. This is the initialize/update pattern we saw above.

Let's write some code.

def compound_interest(init_deposit, rate, years):

    amount = init_deposit  # initialize the amount in the account

    for year in range(years):

        amount = amount + amount * (rate/100)  # rate/100 converts rate to a decimal

    return round(amount, 2)  # round to two digits after the decimal point

Now let's run:

>>> compound_interest(1000, 5, 1)


>>> compound_interest(1000, 5, 2)


>>> compound_interest(1000, 5, 10)


>>> compound_interest(1000, 5, 50)


>>> compound_interest(1000, 10, 50)


So $1000 deposited at 5% becomes almost $11,500 after 50 years; and at 10% it comes almost $120,000! Do you understand now why people care so much about what might seem like small differences in rate of return? Double the rate gave over ten times the return.

But I'm not here to give financial advice. I'm here to teach you a little about iteration, and this is just such a good example. We set an initial value. We enter a loop, and each time through the loop we update the value. That's the initialize/update pattern.

I'll end the section with a final point about the compounce_interest function.  We never actually used the loop variable year in the body of the loop.  (Compare to the sum_ints function above. There we did use the loop variable, which was next_int. We did so in the line cur_sum = cur_sum + next_int.) In the compound_interest function, the sole purpose of the loop is to make repeated application of a formula; the value of the loop variable was not needed.

Iterated Iteration

As I said above, a list can be built of lists. Below is a list of lists of ints.

>>> [[1, 2], [3, 4], [7, 6, 8]]

[[1, 2], [3, 4], [7, 6, 8]]

Let's say we have a list of int lists like the one above and we want to find the sum of all the ints buried inside. We'd need to iterate through the outer list - the list that contains int lists. But for each int list, we'd need to iterate through its member ints. So we'd need to iterate inside an iteration. But that's cool! We can iterate inside an iteration, much as before we could call a function inside a function. 

Let's code this up. Get this in your editor:

def sum_lst_of_lsts(outer_lst):

    sum = 0

    for inner_lst in outer_lst:

        for num in inner_lst:

            sum = sum + num

    return sum

Run it and hop over to the console.

>>> sum_lst_of_lsts([[1, 2], [3, 4], [7, 6, 8]])


Success! 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 31.

How does this work? Let's let Python help answer. Modify the code above  (again, line numbers are for reference only - don't type them in):

1. def sum_lst_of_lsts(outer_lst):

2.    sum = 0

3.    for inner_lst in outer_lst:

4.        print("current inner_lst:", inner_lst)

5.        for cur_int in inner_lst:

6.            print("current int:", cur_int)

7.            sum = sum + cur_int

8.    return sum

Let's call it.

>>> sum_lst_of_lsts([[1, 2], [3, 4], [7, 6, 8]])

current inner_lst: [1, 2]

current int: 1

current int: 2

current inner_lst: [3, 4]

current int: 3

current int: 4

current inner_lst: [7, 6, 8]

current int: 7

current int: 6

current int: 8


Please do read the output. Ask yourself why it is at it is.

Now let's analyze:

Iterated Iteration and Multiplication

I have a little question intended to test whether you understand iterated iteration. Consider the short little program below:

s = 0

for i in range(4):

    for j in range(9):

        s = s + 1


What does it print? (Please pause and work it out. When you have an answer, type the program in and run to verify.)

If you're stumped, here's the explanation:

You see, then, that iterated iteration is closely linked to multiplication. 4 * 9 = 36,  which is the value of s printed by the program above. 4 * 9 is "doing" 9 4 times over, which is 36 total.

More Iterated Iteration

Here's a curious little sequence that I just now created. (I know. It's a little contrived. But it does make the point I wish to make.) 

1 / 1 + 2 / (1+4) + 3 / (1+4+9) + 4 / (1+4+916) + ...

You see the pattern, don't you? Each denominator is a sum of perfect squares that begins at 1 and ends at the square of the numerator.

This is a sequence, and like all sequences it screams iteration. We have an initial term - 1 / 1. And then we add in another: 2 / (1 + 4). And then another: 3 / (1 + 4 + 9). As long as we want.  That's a process repeated with variation. That's what iteration is!

Now consider a denominator. The third one perhaps: 1 + 4 + 9. That's a sequence too, so the screams begins again. Iteration! Iteration! Iteration! So here's what we've got: at each stage of the prior (call it the "outer" iteration) we have a complete "inner" iteration to perform.  So for instance when we reach 3 in the outer iteration, we have to iterate through 1, 4 and 9 in the inner. So what we have here is iterated iteration. A for loop inside a for loop.

So let's write some code. Read it. Carefully. You should be able to follow. (I'm rather proud of the variable names. I think that they're so clear that comments aren't really necessary.)

def cur_lit_seq(n):

    # compute 1/1 + 2/(1+4) + ... + n/(1+4+9+...+n**2)

    seq_sum = 0

    for numer in range(1, n+1):

        denom_sum = 0

        for denom_term in range(1, numer+1):

            denom_sum = denom_sum + denom_term ** 2

        seq_sum += numer / denom_sum

    return seq_sum

A Little Sugar

In the cur_lit_seq function of the previous section, we had this line of code:  denom_sum = denom_sum + denom_term ** 2. Python allows us to shorten that to: denom_sum += denom_term ** 2. Those two lines mean precisely the same.

This is our first example of syntactic sugar. Syntax like a = a + 1 can be replaced by the shorter a += 1. Sweet, is  it not?

It works for the other arithmetical operations too: a -= 1 means the same as a = a - 1, a *= 2 means the  same as a = a * 2 and a /= 2 means a = a / 2. I'll  use these abbreviations form here on.


I have a final task for you before you begin the function set. Get acquainted with the euclid module. I provides us with a  most wonderful way to visualize iteration. You'll use it in the function set.